When posting a new governance proposal on the forum, please use this template.
( Format is for reference only, only include necessary details for your proposal)
Title: [Make it concise, keep it clean, proposal number; if it’s still in drafting stage, add [Draft] before the title]
- proposal number: #[year] - [month] - [Proposal type]- [number digit]
- proposal type:
A -Community;
B- Partnership
- Example: Create Weekly MAP Quizzes Proposal #2022-10-A002
Author(s): [Discord handle w/ ID]
Date Created: [Add created date]
Date Published: [Add date posted to discourse]
[summarize the proposal in bullet points or a few sentences]
[Why are you making this proposal? What problem or opportunity does this proposal target? What are the driving factors behind why you think this is a good idea?]
[Explain the project in detail. You’re expected to have done your homework and the more exact numbers and implementation details, the more likely the proposal will be approved. Include squad details — tools, people, and resources needed for the proposal.
You can get creative with the formatting of this section. For example, feel free to break it up into multiple specifications, include a project plan, or explain how the project will achieve its objectives in some other way.]
Financial Implications
Include details about funding requirements. You must include a detailed breakdown that explains how the funds will be allocated. Funding will not be approved for proposals without a funding breakdown. This is where the squad can request rewards for their expected contributions to the project, including any work done to scope the project and create the proposal.
This section only needs to be completed for projects that are requesting funding. If you are requesting seasonal funding, add a “Requesting Season [season #] Funding” tag to the project on the DAO project page prior to the DAO vote for the seasonal projects.
Success Metrics or KPIs
[How will the project’s success be measured? The measurements should be specific.]
Next Steps
[Immediate action items, should this proposal be accepted]
Squad & Lead
[Disclose the background of the people who will be responsible for this proposal]
POLL (Discourse Post Usage Only)
Add a poll with a clear for or against position (e.g., Approve/Reject or Yes/No). You can include a “support direction but needs improvement” option, but that will be counted as a Reject/No vote for any funding purposes.
Include links to any other polls that have been conducted, such as discord polls to gauge support.Add a poll with a clear for or against position (e.g., Approve/Reject or Yes/No). You can include a “support direction but needs improvement” option, but that will be counted as a Reject/No vote for any funding purposes.
Include links to any other polls that have been conducted, such as discord polls to gauge support.
View how to create a poll here.
Formal Voting
Once your proposal has been handed out and thoroughly discussed, head over to https://newspace.idavoll.network/ and start the formal voting process. Once the proposal is passed in formal voting, it will be ready to kickoff!