Map Protocol x Questbook

Map Protocol x Questbook

Partnership Proposal

About Questbook

  • Questbook is a multi-sig safe designed specifically for running your grants program.
  • Instead of using numerous disparate tools to run a grants program, using Questbook , Map Protocol can run a streamlined grant program from a single place.
  • All grants, their applicants, and actions are stored completely on-chain.

Questbook will enable Map protocol do the following with this partnership:

  1. A streamlined process for grant managers to attract applicants and keep track of applications.
  2. Clear & timely communication to proposers.
  3. Deliverable focused: Define clear milestones and disburse funds based on agreed milestones.
  4. Analytics: Dashboards to effectively track, measure, and analyse grant programs.
  5. Developers will be able to discover, search and apply to grants & RFPs seamlessly.
  6. Builder access - Map Protocol will be featured on home page which sees 30k+ builders
  7. Customer Support - Support from a dedicated account manager 24x7.
  8. Effective evaluation of proposals with on-chain reputation and credentials (future release)

Next Steps:

Questbook will integrate a safe (eg: Gnosis, Realms etc.) preferred by Map protocol with Questbook and a wallet (eg: Metamask, Phantom etc.) supported by the safe for signing safe transactions.

Besides grants tooling support we have worked with many ecosystems such as Polygon, Celo and Ocean Protocol to structure their grants program and will assist Map protocol grants team if Map protocol need any assistance.

We welcome the opportunity to engage with your team and the wider Map Protocol community and discuss how Questbook can help Map protocol grow its ecosystem.


Team (All founders are technical with 10+ yrs of experience)

  1. Madhavan Malolan : CEO, Questbook
  2. Abhilash Inumella : Co-founder, Leads Product and Engineering
  3. Sriharsha Karamchati : Co-founder, Leads Community
  4. Subhash Karri : Co-founder, Leads BD and Partnerships

The team has about 5 years of experience building and designing in the blockchain space. We have been funded by YCombinator and are currently partners with Polygon, Solana, Harmony and AAVE. As a team we have:

  • Written more than 100 tutorials for web2 developers to transition to web3 (
  • Organized more than 50 talks/workshops for these developers in India across 10 cities.
  • Built DAuth a decentralized OAuth alternative
  • Authored EIP 1361
  • Retroactive funding in education mechanism design research
  • New wallet technical architectures
  • Active members in OrangeDAO (YC alum DAO)