Project Proposal Framework

Step 0: Scope down on what is a project

Projects are:

  • Initiatives organized around specific outcomes that benefit the MAPO DAO
  • Often require cross-guild resources
  • Often require funding
  • Spearheaded by a MAPO champion and a group of mappers willing to commit their time
  • Have measurable outcomes
  • Impact MAPO DAO revenue streams or brand image

Projects are NOT:

  • Guild specific initiatives, though they can certainly start within guilds and grow outwards
  • Small passion projects that do not impact MAPO in meaningful ways

Step 1: Temperature/Sentiment check

Before pitching your idea or project for formal voting, it’s critical to know whether the DAO members would feel about the idea in the first place. Partly because it would save you from wasting your time on ideas that won’t receive support, but also because feedback from a diversity of individuals will improve your idea to the best it can be.

Tool 1: Discord

when you don’t think in-depth discussions are needed or you simply want to know the general sentiment for the proposal.


  1. Find the relevant discord channels for your idea. Pitch it, see what people think. Workshop in the channel, or even move it to a private chat. Find people that get excited about your idea. If you’re not sure where to start, post your idea in #chat.
  2. Use the #poll channel to get community feedback. This is perfect if you think your sample size is small or want the community to help you make a decision. It’s important that you include a description of what you want and why. Provide context to help others make the right decision.

Tool 2: MAPO Discourse Forum

when you want a slower pace and more in-depth discussion before sharing more detailed info about the project/proposal.

When sending out the idea for a general poll, make sure everyone in the channel or on the forum can see the vote result.

Step 2: Informal Consensus Check

Once you’ve had the sentiment check, you can move or label the topic as proposal in the Governance forum. Follow the Governance Proposal Template, provide all the necessary details and continuously refine the proposal so it will be ready for the final formal vote.

Keep discussions in the forum going at least 3 days before closing it for final voting.

Step 3: Formal Consensus Check

Formal voting:

After the proposal has been thoroughly scoped, planned, and vetted, it’ll be ready for the final formal consensus check. Having made it to this step signals that your proposal has some significant weight and should be comprehensively considered.

Formal consensus check will be in a different venue where only $MAPO holders can participate in the decision-making process. Simply make your pitch and attach the discussion link on discourse for people to give a final review of the proposal. Once the proposal has passed, it’ll be ready for execution if no funding is required.


Well job. This is an Omnichain community for researcher/developer/hodl, and human. Everyone can discuss what you want about cross-chain technology or map development, or what you concern.MAP is a non-profit organization, has 21% $MAP token to support researchers / developers/hodls. Hey! If you have any idea, please share and request support.

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Just made made a proposal bout establishment of a marketing guild

Waiting on team review, feedback and advise