[Proposal] Add more validators to the committee during election #2022-12-A-003


The Validator Committee is responsible for block proposing during each epoch. The current number of validators in Committee is 30 at the moment.


Since there are more and more validators joining to the ecosystem, more chances and spots should be opened for new validators in every epoch.


The parameter involved with the change is

struct ElectableValidators {
uint256 min;
uint256 max;

The function that set the change is

function setElectableValidators(uint256 min, uint256 max) public onlyOwner returns (bool) {
require(0 < min, “Minimum electable validators cannot be zero”);
require(min <= max, “Maximum electable validators cannot be smaller than minimum”);
min != electableValidators.min || max != electableValidators.max,
“Electable validators not changed”
electableValidators = ElectableValidators(min, max);
emit ElectableValidatorsSet(min, max);
return true;


The proposed change to the function is

min = 1;
max = 40;

which means that there are 40 validators elected during an epoch.


The modification of the validator committee number will be in


Security Considerations

No security risks


What’s your view on adding more validators during election? Should we do it or not?

  • Of course we should :white_check_mark:
  • Nay, don’t think so :dizzy_face:
0 voters
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More validators will be appreciated

It will be really great to add more validators.

I think we should add more validators