Proposal: Cryptocurrency Open Source Project Developer Airdrop Plan and Application Process



为了发掘更多具有加密开源项目经验的开发者加入到我们的 MAP 生态系统中,并加强社区互动,我们提出以下空投计划及加入群组申请流程:


  1. 加密开源项目经验验证:
    所有有意参与空投计划的开发者需在其 GitHub 账号上拥有至少一个与加密货币或区块链技术相关的开源项目。
    通过验证的开发者将获得空投资格,有机会参与 MAP 生态系统的开发,并享受相应的奖励。
  2. 空投奖励总理与等级划分:
    根据等级划分,较高等级的开发者将获得更多的奖励,以激励他们更深度地参与到 MAP 生态系统的发展中。
  3. 评定标准和奖励机制:
  • 评定标准将由专门的评审团队或委员会制定,并公开透明。
  • 奖励机制可能包括 MAP 代币、特殊权益或其他激励措施,以吸引和激励优秀的开发者。
  • 奖励将定期分发,并根据开发者的贡献和项目进展进行调整,以确保公平和可持续的激励机制。


  1. 请开发者在提交空投申请后,同时发送加入群组的申请。
  2. 加入群组的申请材料包括:
  • 开发者个人简介或团队介绍。
  • 相关开源项目链接或其他证明材料。
  • 对加入 MAP 生态系统的动机和期望的简要说明。
  1. 加入群组的申请将由社区管理团队审核。
  2. 审核通过后,开发者将收到群组邀请链接,加入MAP的开发者社区。

通过这个空投计划和加入群组申请流程,我们期待吸引更多具有丰富开源项目经验的开发者加入到 MAP 生态系统中,并建立更加紧密的社区联系。
Proposal: Cryptocurrency Open Source Project Developer Airdrop Plan and Application Process

Dear community members,

In order to discover more developers with experience in cryptocurrency open source projects to join our MAP ecosystem, and to strengthen community interaction, we propose the following airdrop plan and application process for joining the group:

Airdrop Plan:

  1. Cryptocurrency Open Source Project Experience Verification:
  • All developers who intend to participate in the airdrop plan must have at least one open source project related to cryptocurrency or blockchain technology on their GitHub account.
  • The verification process will include submitting links to open source projects or providing other relevant proof to ensure the authenticity of the developer’s development experience.
  • Developers who pass the verification will receive airdrop eligibility, with the opportunity to participate in the development of the MAP ecosystem and enjoy corresponding rewards.
  1. Airdrop Reward Allocation and Tier Division:
  • The total amount of airdrop rewards will be determined by the MAP Foundation.
  • Airdrop rewards will be divided into tiers based on the following factors:
    • Project Influence: Including the number of users, community activity, and market recognition of the project.
    • Developer Contribution: Including but not limited to code contributions, issue resolution, community support, etc.
  • Higher-tier developers will receive more rewards to incentivize their deeper involvement in the development of the MAP ecosystem.
  1. Evaluation Criteria and Reward Mechanism:
  • Evaluation criteria will be developed by a dedicated review team or committee and made transparent to the public.
  • The reward mechanism may include MAP tokens, special privileges, or other incentive measures to attract and motivate outstanding developers.
  • Rewards will be distributed regularly and adjusted based on the developer’s contributions and project progress to ensure a fair and sustainable incentive mechanism.

Group Joining Application Process:

  1. Developers are requested to submit an application to join the group after submitting their airdrop application.
  2. The application materials for joining the group include:
  • Developer’s personal profile or team introduction.
  • Relevant links to open source projects or other proof of experience.
  • A brief explanation of the motivation for joining the MAP ecosystem and expectations.
  1. Group joining applications will be reviewed by the community management team.
  2. Upon approval, developers will receive an invitation link to join the MAP developer community group.

Through this airdrop plan and group joining application process, we look forward to attracting more developers with rich experience in open source projects to join the MAP ecosystem and establish closer community connections.