

提案人:Diamondhea 钻石头





  1. 通过提高奖励吸引更多高质量的验证者参与到网络中。

  2. 增强网络的安全性和稳定性,减少恶意攻击的风险。

  3. 保持和提升网络的去中心化程度。

  4. 鼓励验证者投资于更好的硬件和软件,提高网络的整体性能。

  5. 应对外部竞争压力,锁定更多高质量筹码提高社区长期参与建设的热情。


  1. 增加基础奖励:对所有活跃的验证者节点,提高基础奖励150%标准(原基准*2.5倍)为期6个月,6个月后奖励线性递减再使用6个月恢复正常水平防止大幅抛售,以应对部分竞争对手的冲击。

  2. 性能和可靠性奖励: 引入性能和可靠性奖励机制,根据验证者节点的在线时间、区块提议成功率等指标,提供额外奖励基准10%。该提议为长期提议。

  3. 长期参与奖励:对长期稳定运行的验证者节点提供额外的奖励,每6个月一次,每次奖励6个月平均收益的10%以鼓励持续贡献和对网络的长期承诺。该提议为长期提议。

  4. 特殊贡献奖励:对于在网络升级、应对攻击等关键时刻作出特殊贡献的验证者,提供一次性的特别奖励。特殊奖励应进行投票,每次奖励该节点最近6个月平均收益的100%。该提议为长期提议。









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Proposal Title: Increasing Validator Node Rewards to Enhance Network Security, Stability, and Token Price


Date: 2024/2/12


With the growth and development of the MAP network, the importance of network security and stability has increasingly come into focus. Validator nodes, as the cornerstone of the network, play a crucial role in its healthy operation. While the current reward mechanism has incentivized node participation to some extent, the expansion of the network and the intensification of competition from similar products may mean that existing reward levels are insufficient to attract and retain high-quality validators and to boost the community’s enthusiasm for staking.


  1. To attract more high-quality validators to participate in the network by increasing rewards.
  2. To enhance the network’s security and stability, reducing the risk of malicious attacks.
  3. To maintain and enhance the network’s decentralization.
  4. To encourage validators to invest in better hardware and software, improving the overall network performance.
  5. To counter external competitive pressures by locking in more high-quality stakes, thereby increasing the community’s enthusiasm for long-term participation and building.

Proposal Details:

  1. Increase Base Rewards: For all active validator nodes, increase the base reward by 150% (2.5 times the original benchmark) for 6 months, followed by a linear decrease over the next 6 months to return to normal levels to prevent significant sell-offs, countering some competitors’ impact.
  2. Performance and Reliability Rewards: Introduce a performance and reliability reward mechanism, offering an additional 10% reward based on metrics such as validator nodes’ online time and block proposal success rate. This proposal is long-term.
  3. Long-term Participation Rewards:*Provide extra rewards for validator nodes that have been stable and operational over the long term, with a reward every six months equivalent to 10% of the average earnings over that period to encourage ongoing contribution and long-term commitment to the network. This proposal is long-term.
  4. Special Contribution Rewards: Offer one-time special rewards for validators making significant contributions during critical moments, such as network upgrades and responding to attacks. Special rewards should be subject to voting, with each reward equivalent to 100% of the node’s average earnings over the last six months. This proposal is long-term.

Expected Outcomes:

The increased rewards will attract more capable validators to stake, aiming to add 200-300 million MAP tokens in staking, enhancing the network’s competitiveness and degree of decentralization, and boosting the token price.
Higher reward levels will motivate validators to invest in more powerful hardware and more reliable network connections, improving the network’s overall performance and stability.
Rewards for long-term and special contributions will encourage validators to remain engaged and actively maintain network security.

Budget and Resource Requirements:

Increase the base reward by 150% for 6 months, followed by a 6-month period of decreasing rewards to return to normal levels. Other reward metrics increased by 10% (long-term) to attract more MAP stakers to nodes. The funds will be drawn from the 30% of tokens allocated to validators in the whitepaper. Request the technical team to assess the feasibility of modifying the contract.


By increasing validator node rewards, the MAP protocol can more effectively attract and retain high-quality staking validators, thereby enhancing the network’s security, stability, and performance. This proposal will lay a solid foundation for the healthy development and long-term success of the MAP network, profoundly impacting network stability, price stability, and community enthusiasm.

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Thank you for your suggestion.We will start an official vote for “validator rewards increase”.

great, 如何吸引韭菜来玩,也是目前的痛点