Concluding the Web3Go Campaign

Hey fellow Web3 enthusiasts,
Just wanted to share the great news! The MAP Protocol’s Web3Go campaign has wrapped up, and wow, what an incredible journey it’s been! :rocket: Witnessing all your awesome contributions to the decentralized web has been mind-blowing. You folks are seriously talented!
Huge congrats to all the winners! :trophy: Your projects have blown us away with their innovation and creativity. It’s inspiring to see how Web3 can truly transform the way we interact online.
Thanks to everyone who participated and made this campaign a huge success. Let’s keep pushing the boundaries of decentralization and making a difference together!


Amazing work, everyone! Congrats to the winners! :tada: #Web3Go #Decentralization

So many cool projects! Can’t wait to see more. :globe_with_meridians: #Web3 #MAPProtocol