HOGO - a Web3 tool for Creators Economy: Share and sell your private content securely through social media

Project Info

HOGO is an open-source, omnichain Web3 solution for the secure sharing and selling of content through social media. The digital content market is forecasted to grow to $241 bln in the next five years and grows of private content-selling services, such as Patreon, OnlyFans, and others. HOGO offers a secure Web3 solution for the safe sharing, selling, and transfer of private content.

HOGO solutions:

:key: HOGO Vault
• Content selling tool with secure storage, NFT access keys, and a decentralized access mechanism.

:iphone: HOGO Wraps
• Web3 bridge to access encrypted content. Also, check HOGO Wraps PoC

Check our source links


People who will work on the project

  • Name: Yurii Melashchenko
  • Background: Cybersecurity troubleshooter for companies and private individuals, founder of SSG (Security Services Group LLC), which develops products for cyber resilience and has expertise in digital and mobile forensics. Co-developer of a secure messenger and smartphone and took part in many conferences on cyber defence and cyber intelligence.
  • Responsibilities: CEO

  • Name: Andrey Zubko
  • Background: Blockchain technologist. Founding member of multiple crypto companies specialising in Solana, Ethereum and Polkadot. An early adopter of Monero and CryptoNote. Active blockchain community member, and speaker at blockchain conferences.
  • Responsibilities: CTO

  • Name: Nick V
  • Background: In the crypto and blockchain industry since 2017. Business Development, Communication and Partnerships, Community growth, Public Speaking.
  • Responsibilities: Business Development, Communication and Partnerships, Community growth

Goals/ Milestones/Key Results

# Milestone (Product) ETA Requested Budget
1. HOGO Vault v.1 up to 2 months $ 30 000
2. Instagram WRAP up to 1 month $ 20 000

In total, we request a $ 50 000 worth Grant to implement 2 main features (HOGO Vault v.1 and Instagram WRAP)

Breakdown of the HOGO Vault v.1:
Blockchain Smart contract including

  • Token
  • Data Integrity
  • Staking

Breakdown of the Instagram WRAP:
Browser Extension (Chrome, Brave)
Wallet (EVM)

  • Creation
  • Restoration
  • Transfer

In what aspects of your project can expand the MAPO omnichain ecosystem?

HOGO’s own VAULT and WRAPs revolutionize traditional social networks by integrating omni-dapps built on top of MAPO tech into the vast ecosystem. This integration offers MAPO a huge Web 2.0 users flow looking for a decentralized alternative to familiar features. Within mainstream social media networks, users can now enjoy secure and decentralized social messaging, payment networks, file storage, and file sharing built on MAPO. HOGO is a bridge between Web2 users seeking the omnichain experience of the Web 3.0 world.

At HOGO, we strongly believe in the ownership economy, where individuals retain ownership of their creations, data, attention, and the virtual spaces they contribute to, but such a solution couldn’t be built on a single chain limiting ourselves. That’s why we prefer to go with the omnichain approach instead.

The contact person to set a preliminary grant approval call is Nick V
Telegram @nickvasilich
Discord @nickvasilich

cc @admin